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Parvesh Goyal's Linkedin Analytics

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Parvesh Goyal

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Help Businesses To Get High Quality Traffic and 2X Leads Or Sales Without Paying Too Much Money On Google Ads Here’s what I do… I snap our fingers on the ad accounts and start rainmaking. Generated more than $200 million in revenue for our clients in the last 12 months with performance marketing for Health & Wellness, Fashion, Cosmetics, apparel, Home Decors, and many other D2C businesses. I am passionate marketers who don't just run the ad campaigns but build businesses for their clients. I feel pride in our work because i understand the value of it. I help ambitious D2C brands with their growth goals by optimizing their paid ads for the maximum ROI through performing marketing. I have expertise in Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Native Ads, SEO, Social Media Marketing, and Funnels. If you have a product or business that can impact the lives, I can help you market it well: Brief about us: ✅ Google Ads, Facebook Ads Certified ✅ Generated over $200 million in revenue for our clients ✅ Delivered over 30x ROAS for ad campaigns ✅ Scaled D2C brands to 7 figures in revenue per month with paid ads ✅ Excellent marketing strategies in the customer acquisitions and market share ✅ We work as an extended marketing team

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