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Susan Eckert, MA, CH (INFP, HSP)'s Linkedin Analytics

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❓Who are you? What do you really want? I ask myself these questions regularly. If you, like me, are feeling called to step deeper into purpose…to rise to new levels of personal growth…to no longer compromise on enjoyment of a balanced, fulfilling life, please read on. Finding that perfect alignment between who you really are and how you show up in the world can be challenging for a number of reasons: ➡️ Your current ideas might be based on old stories & beliefs you’ve inherited…stories that've led you to suppress your fullest expression. ➡️ Social conditioning has likely made you believe your innate characteristics are inadequate…that you need to shift, change, become something else. No matter how uncomfortable. ➡️ Societal bias towards the masculine, extraverted, individualistic, emotionally repressed has undoubtedly hindered your ability to see your introversion and/or empath nature as the superpowers they are. If this feels familiar, know I was once where you might be now. An introverted empath (HSP), I left corporate in the early 2000s when I found myself out of alignment with environments where people: ❌ Struggled to see diversity as strength ❌ Valued numbers over people ❌ Held competition higher than collaboration ❌ Promoted face-time over efficiency & wellness None of it felt right. You see, I believe: ✅ Compartmentalization (behaving differently in different parts of our lives) is a major threat to holistic wellness ✅ We connect with our greatest strength when we embrace radical self-acceptance ✅ Authenticity, wholeness, & fulfillment demand we value & respect both left-brain “masculine” and right-brain “feminine” skillsets ✅ There is an inevitable quiet rise of women, introverts & empaths happening – BUT while we have a leg up on today’s requirements for successful leadership, and gifts that can heal the world, we also, unfortunately, have the highest hurdle to overcome due to social bias. As a Self-Mastery, Mindset, & Feminine Leadership Mentor, I support women, introverts & empaths in reclaiming: 🏅 AUTHENTICITY (so you can embrace who you REALLY are) 🏅 ALIGNMENT (so you can sync what you do/how you do it with who you are) 🏅 ABUNDANCE (so you can enjoy prosperity & fulfillment across both your personal & professional life because you're honoring your truth...without compromise). I offer proven signature frameworks & methodologies that result in an enjoyable, quantum leap, peeling back the layers to reveal your truest self, highest purpose & fullest potential. https://www.susaneckertma.com [email protected]

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