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Thomas Ryan Oakes

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You can get clients in 1 of 2 ways: 1) Outbound (through outreach) 2) Inbound (through audience building, paid ads and referrals) I recommend doing both, but for immediate results, just do outbound. Once you've mastered outbound, add inbound. That's it - no need to overcomplicate it. ✅ WHAT I DO: I help service-based professionals get new clients through done-for-you outreach using your own unique "Value Offer". ✅ WHO I WORK WITH: -Client-based B2B service businesses ✅ HOW I GET YOU MORE CLIENTS IN 4 STEPS: 1 | Your LinkedIn Profile Upgrade: Starting with an optimized linkedin profile is crucial to your success. After all, when someone googles your name, your linkedin profile will be one of the top results. I make sure your profile is ready for prime-time. That means it's clear, compelling, and converts visitors into leads. 2 | Your Audience Strategy: Engaging the right prospects is a big piece of the puzzle. We will nail down your Ideal Client Profile (or "avatar") so it's crystal clear who we're targeting and what we need to do to engage them. 3 | Your Value Offer: Consider this a "slice of service". It can be lots of things - a guide, eBook, masterclass, or a video sharing your expertise. The most important thing is that it delivers actual value up front so that you can qualify your leads, demonstrate your expertise and compound your lead list. 4 | Your Messaging: I will create the messaging and we will ensure your Value Offer gets in front of thousands of your ideal prospects each month. ✅ WHAT PEOPLE SAY ABOUT ME: 🗣️"Tom! You not only delivered way before your promised timeframe, you went above and beyond to connect me to others who may benefit from my services. I will be a life long customer. I strongly recommend you to everyone who is serious about building their brand." - Tonia Robinson, CEO 🗣️"Tom makes linkedin super simple and extremely effective. That's the magic he brings to the table. If you want to start generating actual business from your linkedin account, he's your guy." - Richard Cohan, Retail Consultant ✅ MY BACKGROUND: -Born and raised in Stillwater, Minnesota. -Snowboarded (and went to college at Gonzaga) in Spokane, Washington. -Co-founded a travel company in Florence, Italy. -Became COO of a fintech company in Bellevue, Washington. -Started Referral Program Pros and living my passion of helping entrepreneurs grow. I live in Seattle, WA with my wife and two kids - the 3 people who make me the luckiest guy I know. ✅ CONTACT INFO: 🙋‍♂️ Tom Ryan ☎️ 425.298.5060 📨 [email protected]

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