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Valliappan Manickam's Linkedin Analytics

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Hey there! If you're in a hurry, here is a short version about myself: I help businesses reach Google's first page with my killer strategy and high-quality content. Wanna connect? I am always up for exploring opportunities. If you're continuing, then here is the extended version: 2019, I began my career as a content writer. Now, I am a sales, marketing, content writing, and copywriting freak. I love them more because they all help people's lives one way or the other. - Copywriting shares value with the reader and helps them decide. - Content writing improves brand awareness and builds credibility and authority. - Sales help people enhance their life. In the last 4 years, I have explored freelance content writing, copywriting, and strategy building. As a result: - I had 10x website traffic last year for 3-4 brands - starting from B2C to B2B - with my strategy. - I have written 100+ blogs on various niches - sales, marketing, digital marketing, and SaaS. - I created engaging copies that help my clients get 50+ leads each day. And I did it all in a quick time. I value my clients' time, effort, and money they pay me. I'm a guy who gives all to get them satisfied. So, yeah, that's it about me. Now, it's time for you. I am here to help with content strategy and content writing - feel free to DM me anytime with your requirements and queries as well. Thanks for reading. You're the best. Vanakam Valliappan

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