Your Definitive Guide for Mastering LinkedIn Newsletters in 2024

Learn how to create a LinkedIn Newsletter with this step-by-step guide.

Your Definitive Guide for Mastering LinkedIn Newsletters in 2024
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Start a newsletter on LinkedIn and grow your network or personal brand with this easy guide with examples.
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Your Definitive Guide for Mastering LinkedIn Newsletters in 2024
Whether you’re looking to advance your career or grow your personal brand, creating a newsletter is one of the best ways.
LinkedIn newsletters are gaining popularity and have been showing superior open rates to email newsletters.
Creating LinkedIn newsletters is pretty easy once you get the hang of it, and you’ll find it very effective at growing your network.
If you don’t know how to create a newsletter on LinkedIn yet, we’ve got you covered with this short but insightful guide.

How can you start a newsletter on LinkedIn?

There are two ways to write a newsletter on LinkedIn. One is by using your personal profile, and the other is as a content admin of a Page.
Either way, follow the steps below:
1. Look for the “Write article” option at the top of the homepage and click on it to go to the publishing tool.
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2. Look for the Create a newsletter option and click on it. It should be in the same row as the Publishing menu drop-down option.
3. Add the newsletter details, like the title, short description, publishing cadence, and image that you want to use as a logo.
4. Click the “Done” button at the lower right corner of the pop-up page once you’re finished.
5. After clicking on the “Done” button, your screen will go back to the publishing tool. Start writing your newsletter.
6. Once you’re done, click on the Publish button at the upper right corner of the screen.
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Note that the newsletter option is not available to all LinkedIn members. To access this feature, you need to turn on the Creator mode in your profile:
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Also, you must meet the following criteria:
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Once you have access to the newsletter feature, you should see a green check mark and the “Available” next to it:
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How to create a weekly newsletter on LinkedIn

There’s no hard and fast rule on how often you should send out newsletters, but the common consensus is every week or two.
To do that, simply indicate your preferred frequency from the drop-down selection when you create your newsletter. You will find this option to the immediate right of the newsletter title text box.

What are the benefits of having a newsletter?

The more people know about your newsletter, the more people know your brand. This means more leads, potential buyers, customers, or employers.
Another positive outcome of maintaining a newsletter is that it boosts your status as an authority in the industry you’re operating in. That’s because it gives you the perfect venue to showcase your knowledge or skills and, more importantly, use them to educate or help other LinkedIn users.
When the time comes that they need the type of product or service that you provide, you’ll be at the top of their minds.

What are the best practices for a newsletter?

When writing a newsletter, you need to start strong by coming up with an eye-catching name.
Then, it must convey what the content is about and what problems you’re trying to solve.
Doing this allows you to attract the right type of audience that is genuinely interested in what you have to offer.
Next, your description must be equally compelling. Aside from the title, it is one of the first things that people will see, so make it count. Use this opportunity to pique their interest so they anticipate the arrival of every issue.
Another thing that you need to remember is to use high-quality images for your logo and cover photo. Don’t forget to do the same for your content.
Finally, make sure that you consistently publish relevant, useful content. Things like your headline and description will get your foot in the door, but your content will take you all the way in.
To do this, you need to have a pretty good understanding of your target audience and what their pain points are. It is the only way that you would be able to come up with the solution that they’re after.
Having all these ingredients reduces the time you need to spend to generate LinkedIn growth, whether you are using a free or premium account.

What are good examples of newsletters on LinkedIn?

Many good examples of newsletters on LinkedIn showcase different approaches to content and design. Let’s take a look at some of the most popular newsletters on LinkedIn today:

1. #Elevate

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This newsletter by Bob Glazer focuses on culture, leadership, and capability building in the entrepreneurial setting.

2. Innovation Re:Imagined

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In this Newsletter, Ernst & Young Global Chief Innovation Officer Jeff Wong explores the latest and upcoming technologies that define the way we live and work.

3. Dorie Clark Newsletter

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Dorian Clark uses this weekly newsletter to share useful tips on how to be successful in business and in life.

4. LinkedIn 5

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This newsletter by entrepreneurship poster child Gary Vaynerchuk is chock-full of intriguing discussions on what the future holds for business owners.

5. My Weekly Thoughts

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Written by Huffington Post founder and CEO, this weekly newsletter delivers news stories on how people can thrive in their chosen careers.

6. The Human Voice

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The Human Voice by Bob Hutchins is a delicious combination of Digital Marketing and Behavioral Psychology.


Running a LinkedIn newsletter is an excellent way to establish authority, build relationships, and keep your audience engaged.
With traditional email marketing experiencing low open and engagement rates, the LinkedIn newsletter is the perfect replacement.
Best of all? It’s also easier to set up than a traditional email newsletter.

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Noel Bouwmeester

SEO Content Writer based in Costa Rica