LinkedIn for Recruiters: How to Use LinkedIn to Recruit Top Talent

While more recruiters are turning to LinkedIn for business to save valuable time, it is also harder than ever to tune out the noise and get noticed by the right candidates.

LinkedIn for Recruiters: How to Use LinkedIn to Recruit Top Talent
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With so many choices available to candidates today, your branding needs to stand out to show who you are authentically. Read on to learn how to use LinkedIn for recruiters to attract top talent.
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LinkedIn for Recruiters: How to Use LinkedIn to Recruit Top Talent
With a shrinking labour pool and growing skill gap, recruiting the right talent and managing expectations can be difficult. While more recruiters are turning to LinkedIn for business to save valuable time, it is also harder than ever to tune out the noise and get noticed by the right candidates.
Eight people are hired every minute on LinkedIn through job postings. As a recruiter, you can streamline your recruitment process by learning how to create a recruiter brand that attracts the right candidates.

Why Use LinkedIn as a Recruiter

LinkedIn for recruiters can help you find, connect with, and manage job candidates easily. Here are a few more reasons why LinkedIn should be a part of your recruitment strategy:
  • It cuts down hiring time.
  • Ability to reach out to candidates through DMs and InMail.
  • Easily share profiles with team members.
  • Access to detailed candidate profiles, including skills, education, and work experience.
  • Advanced search features that allow you to filter through profiles to find the right candidates.

How to Use LinkedIn to Recruit Top Talent

If you want to thrive in a candidate’s market, you need to improve your personal branding game as a recruiter. Whether you are a seasoned recruiter or new to the industry, here are a few tips to help you improve your recruitment results.

Update Your Company and Personal Profile

You want your company’s page to communicate its values and interests clearly. Your personal profile also needs to quickly provide candidates with all the information they need at a glance. Here are a few areas you should pay special attention to:
  • Your profile photo should be professional, approachable, and have good lighting. Profiles with photos get 21 times more views.
  • Upload a customized cover photo that includes your company’s logo.
  • Your LinkedIn headline is the most important factor when it comes to making a good first impression. Use Taplio’s LinkedIn Headline Generator to create a headline that highlights your talent and the opportunities you offer.
  • Write your summary in the first person and in an authentic voice. Share your story, highlight your experience, and use a touch of humor to be relatable.
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Post Content That Supports Your Recruitment Efforts

Everything you post on LinkedIn is a reflection of your company. Candidates want to work at companies they recognize, so use this opportunity to post content that candidates find valuable, such as:
  • Job postings
  • Career advice
  • Recruitment strategies, onboarding practices, and candidate evaluation
  • Your company’s culture, employee testimonials, and values
  • Interview tips
  • Your company’s commitment to diversity and inclusion
Don’t know what else you can post on LinkedIn for recruiters? Use Taplio’s AI Chat Assist to brainstorm post ideas that align with your brand voice and target audience within minutes.

Manage Your Time Efficiently by Scheduling Posts

The last thing you need as a busy recruiter is another task that demands 30 minutes of your time every day. Fortunately, you can simplify things by using a LinkedIn Post Scheduler like Taplio to maintain a steady posting cadence.
Consistently posting on LinkedIn will keep you and your company top of mind for candidates. When your post shows up in your followers’ feeds four times a week, it’s easier for them to remember who you are and what you offer.

Be Responsive to Candidates

As a recruiter, you’ll receive several messages and comments from candidates. Responding to their questions promptly is important if you want to maintain their interest. 58% of people who follow your Company Page want to work with you. When they engage with the content you post on your page, it’s important to reply to maintain a professional and responsive brand image.
If you’re finding it hard to keep up with engagement, use Taplio’s Engagement Builder to reply to comments and engage with followers in one place.

Be Mindful About How You Use InMail

The best time to reach out to a good candidate is the moment you find them. While you can send InMails in bulk, it’s essential to keep your message brief, bold, and personalized to their profile.
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When you’re looking to fill a new position on LinkedIn, the best place to start is with your company page’s followers. People following your page are 95% more likely to accept your message and 81% more likely to respond. Filter your followers and send out an InMail to get the best bang for your buck.

Post More Visual Content

Boost your LinkedIn performance through a cohesive visual content marketing strategy. When posting content on LinkedIn for recruiters, you can make your posts more engaging by sharing:
  • Creative infographics to highlight trends, insights, and statistics.
  • Short videos offering career advice, discussing new openings, and workplace culture glimpses.
  • Video employee testimonials.
  • Image collages to showcase your company’s culture.
  • Virtual tours of your workplace.
  • Whiteboard animations.
  • LinkedIn carousels for a step-by-step guide to acing an interview or perfecting a resume.

Find and Connect with More Candidates

One way to connect with potential candidates on LinkedIn is by posting a job. This inbound approach is an important part of every company’s recruitment process. You can also connect with quality candidates through outbound methods, such as sending InMail.
If you want to increase your reach, consider using LinkedIn Lead Gen Forms, which is a type of paid advertising. Signing up for LinkedIn Recruiter is another option if you hire at a high volume. This robust, paid recruitment tool makes finding, connecting with, and managing candidates easier. 

10 Recruiters You Should be Following on LinkedIn

Following well-established, experienced experts in the recruitment industry is the best way to overcome challenges and establish yourself. We’ve compiled a list of LinkedIn's best recruitment professionals to follow.

1. Heather Ianuale

Heather is a university recruitment program manager who helps create inclusive workforces through employer branding, talent acquisition, and career mobility.
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2. Marie Benigno Ablaza

Marie is a recruiter at Netflix Games Studio who shares valuable tips with job seekers and offers strategies to help them land their dream jobs.

3. Linda Le

With a whopping 500,000 followers on LinkedIn, Linda shows us the power of posting content that emotionally resonates with her audience.

4. Yifan Gong

Yifan Gong often posts success stories of candidates he’s placed, new job postings, and resources that can help candidates with their job search.

5. Melanie Chevez

Melanie uses her skills to advocate for those who are underrepresented and under-resourced in all industries. Her LinkedIn summary offers an excellent, detailed look into her background, experience, and values.
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6. Stacy Donovan Zapar

Stacy Donovan Zapar is a keynote speaker and the founder of The Talent Agency. She offers insights and advice on recruitment practices and tips for candidates.

7. Matt Alder

Matt Alder is a talent acquisition consultant, author, and podcast producer who offers the latest insights into the future of recruitment, technology, and recruitment marketing.

8. Katrina Collier

Katrina Collier has been in the recruitment industry for over 20 years, offering excellent advice to companies that want to fix their recruitment and candidate experience.

9. Nicole Fernandez-Valle

As a lead talent acquisition partner at Royal Caribbean Group, Nicole shares a good mix of visual content, career insights, interviews, and an occasional meme to keep followers engaged.
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10. Meghan M. Biro

Meghan M. Biro founded TalentCulture, offering consulting services and collaborating with companies like Google, IBM, and Microsoft.
Taplio Helps Recruiters Create a Memorable Personal Brand
As a recruiter, creating a memorable personal brand that supports your and your company’s talent acquisition goals is more important than ever. Taplio is a personal branding tool that can help you create and schedule content and build relationships with candidates.

Build your Personal Brand.

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👉 Try Taplio for free!

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Writer @ Taplio

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