The Ultimate Guide to LinkedIn Inbox Management

Unlock the power of an organized LinkedIn inbox. Save time, track key messages, and seize opportunities.

The Ultimate Guide to LinkedIn Inbox Management
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Master LinkedIn inbox management and boost productivity. Streamline your experience on the platform and achieve Inbox Zero effortlessly.
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Organize and Optimize: A Guide to LinkedIn Inbox Management

Your LinkedIn inbox is overflowing with messages and you don't know where to start?

Organizing and managing your LinkedIn inbox is essential if you don't want to lose out on professional opportunities or important messages.
It’s not uncommon for many LinkedIn users to have an overflowing inbox with hundreds of unread messages and a feeling of overwhelm whenever they try to bring some sense of order to the chaos.
If you are using the platform for lead generation, it is even more difficult to keep conversations organized. This is why we created this post today to help you KonMari your inbox so that it sparks joy whenever you open it.

What is LinkedIn Inbox Management

Whether you're the CEO of a large company, an HR manager, an influencer or a freelancer: you receive messages on LinkedIn.
Organizing and managing your inbox can be a real headache:
  • You may receive a lot of messages
  • You may be away for a long time and unable to reply
  • You may be prospecting on LinkedIn and have to deal with a large volume of discussions
  • You're focused on another task and forget to process requests
  • And many other cases.
Organizing and managing your LinkedIn inbox involves implementing a number of tactics and habits to optimize your message flow as much as possible, so as not to lose any opportunities or connections.
✅ Your goal with LinkedIn inbox management is to achieve Inbox Zero. This means that once you are done organizing your inbox, you should have zero messages in your inbox. It will make it easier for you to stay organized once it’s done. Achieving this standard will free up your time so you can focus on your core business.

Why You Should be Managing Your LinkedIn Inbox Better

Keeping up with your messages is crucial for remaining organized and maintaining professionalism. If you reach out to potential clients on LinkedIn, they may contact you anytime to ask questions.
You may miss their message with a cluttered inbox, and they may take their business elsewhere. Without proper LinkedIn inbox management, it won’t be possible for you to nurture your leads and respond to them on time.
Organized conversations are the key to success today because everyone’s life is busy.

4 Benefits of Keeping Your LinkedIn Inbox Organized

You’re already up to your neck running your marketing campaigns and keeping your business afloat. It’s only natural to feel that spending a few hours organizing your LinkedIn inbox is not worth your time.

Increased productivity

An organized LinkedIn inbox will make it easier to retrieve information whenever you want. You’ll have everything in one place so you can track your conversations.
You’ll spend less time looking for information and more time focusing on your important projects and campaigns. All of these small things add up over time and will make you more productive.

Keep Track of Key Messages

Once everything is organized, you’ll be able to easily find important opportunities, conversations, and contacts that contribute to the success of your business or career goals.
Additionally, you’ll be able to respond quickly to requests for messages or information from colleagues or prospects. If you set up different folders and label them, you can find messages easily when you need them.

Save More Time

One of the biggest benefits of LinkedIn inbox management is the amount of time you’ll save. After the initial time investment, an organized inbox can potentially save you hours each month that you would have otherwise spent on something that isn’t productive.

No More Missed Opportunities

With an unorganized inbox, there are higher chances of missing out on networking or career opportunities. These could be opportunities that may have been fruitful had you followed up with them. Manage your inbox better, and you’ll be ready to seize any opportunity that comes your way.

12 Proven Tips to Manage Your Linkedin Inbox Effectively

Now that you know why it is important to keep your inbox organized, let’s get right to business. Here are ten smart tips to help you organize your inbox better.

Archive Messages

Go through your inbox and weed out any messages that are no longer relevant. These could be cold DMs that haven’t received any response in over a month, a job opportunity that is no longer available, or anything else you don’t need anymore.
Archive them so they don’t take up any valuable space in your LinkedIn inbox. Here’s what you need to do:
  1. Click the message you want to archive.
  1. Click the three dots on the top.
  1. Click “Archive.”
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Repeat the process until you have archived every irrelevant message.

Prioritize Your Messages

Give all your messages a once-over to see which ones need your attention now and which can wait. Prioritizing your messages will give you a clear view of what you need to start with first so you can focus on the important tasks.
Leave your urgent messages in your “Focused” inbox. Messages that are not as important right now can be moved to the “Other” inbox.
Once you have done this, deal with all the urgent messages. You can then deal with all your non-urgent messages in a single day or spend a dedicated amount of time each day on them.

Use Filters

Filters are a very effective way to keep track of all your conversations. There are several filter options available in your LinkedIn inbox:
  • Archived
  • Unread
  • Spam
Using these filters will allow you to quickly sort through your inbox so you can either archive them, delete them, or mark them unread so you don’t lose track of them.

Use the Star and Unread Features

One of the easiest ways to keep track of important chats is by using the star feature. This feature allows you to quickly flag an important message so it will be more visible to you later.
If you have hundreds of messages, the important ones can quickly get lost in your LinkedIn inbox. Simply click the star icon on the top right corner of the message.
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Similarly, the unread feature is also an effective way to keep track of conversations you haven’t had time to respond to yet. Unread messages can also be retrieved the same way from the “search messages” filter icon.

Deal with the Most Important Messages First

Once you have organized your LinkedIn inbox with filters, it’s time to tackle all your pending messages. Start with the most urgent messages and work your way down.
This approach will ensure that you don’t overlook any important messages so you can keep up with anything that needs your immediate attention.

Set Aside Time for LinkedIn Inbox Management

After you are done organizing and have achieved inbox zero, set aside some time each day to check your inbox and respond to messages. Again, your goal should be to keep up with the inbox zero policy.
Make it a habit so you don’t end up in the same position you started with. Fifteen minutes each day should be enough for this task.

Manage Notification Settings

You don’t need to know everything that happens in your network on LinkedIn. Take some time to review your notification settings.
  • Click “Settings and Privacy” under the “Me” drop-down menu.
  • Click “Notifications.”
  • Click “Messaging.”
  • Review the settings and make changes.
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If the message nudges on your email and push notifications on your device are getting on your nerves and taking up too much of your attention, disable them.

Set Auto-Responder Messages

If you are a busy professional who travels frequently, you can set an auto-responder message through LinkedIn Premium. This is a great way to inform connections that you are away and that message response will be delayed.

Manage Group Message Updates

If you are part of a group on LinkedIn, you might know how quickly your inbox can get overrun with group messages quickly.
You can choose whether group members can message you. Here’s how to manage group message updates:
  • Go to the homepage of your group.
  • Click the three dots at the top.
  • Click “Update your settings.”
  • Toggle to “No” under messaging.
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Use Message Templates

It takes time to craft a compelling message on LinkedIn. This is particularly true if you are doing outreach on LinkedIn. Save time and streamline the process by using LinkedIn message templates.
This can help you save a lot of time when doing cold outreach on LinkedIn. You can also create and save ready-to-use templates for responding to common questions or inquiries. Make sure your template includes all the information someone would need when they send an inquiry, so all you’ll need to do is to hit send.

Automate Replies for Frequently Asked Questions

If you often receive the same questions or inquiries, you can simply set up automatic replies on LinkedIn.
This saves you a lot of time and avoids having an inbox full of unread messages dealing with the same type of request. Automated replies make it easy to clean up your inbox, so you can focus on the most important messages.
Just like cold outreach, you can create templates for your frequently asked questions. Make sure to include all relevant information.

Add Strategic Keywords to Messages

You can add one or more strategic keywords, either in the subject line or in the body of the message on LinkedIn.
You'll be able to perform a search to easily find messages related to this keyword. This keyword can be linked to a specific campaign or type of request that you need to treat as a priority.
Add a keyword according to the type of message you're sending. For example :
  • “Collaboration” for partnerships
  • “Recruitment” for recruitment campaigns
  • “Appointment [Date]” to find your meetings on a specific date
And so on!

Use Taplio’s CRM Features to Simplify Your LinkedIn Inbox

Use Taplio along with the LinkedIn inbox management tips shared above to streamline your experience on the platform.
Taplio is an effective LinkedIn CRM solution to help you supercharge your lead-generation efforts, keep track of important communications, and more. Use the “Contacts” section in the CRM section to maintain complete profiles of your contacts.
Send DMs from within the Contacts section and add notes so you can keep track of your interactions with them. Taplio will even keep track of the number of DMs you’ve sent to each person.
With Taplio you can even set up auto DMs that will be sent out whenever a user meets a condition you specify, such as replying to your post or liking it. This is particularly helpful because you’ll no longer need to send messages individually. Simply write a DM and select your conditions when you publish or schedule a post through Taplio.
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Bénédicte Rivory

SEO Content Writer

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