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⭐Adam Baldwin's Linkedin Analytics

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⭐Adam Baldwin

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I made a joke about organic reach on Facebook… Nobody got it… Terrible marketing joke aside, that’s why I’m here on Linkedin. Hi, I’m Adam! Web designer, social media expert, and lover of creative and ethical brands 🌱 Now, you’re probably checking out my profile for 1 of 2 reasons: You’ve seen my name in the comments or suggested on your network tab and thought you’d check out my profile. That’s cool. I do it all the time. We’re already connected and you’re checking up on me because I'm finally active again… In fact, that’s why I’ve written this new ‘about me’ section. Which must be doing its job if you’ve gotten this far. Right? So, where do we go from here? Well, we could go our separate ways… I get a notification that you’ve viewed my profile. I check out your profile. Ultimately we end up in a game of professional profile tennis. OR We connect. I share some top-tier tips on boosting your web conversions and getting you more sales and leads through social media ads. I then get the opportunity to learn from you and ultimately, we’re both better off. We could even go one step further… Drop each other a message and introduce ourselves officially. OR You can book a free 20 minute audit of your ads or website via my calendar link below and actually get some value for your efforts in making it all the way down here. But maybe I’m getting ahead of myself… So, whatever it’ll be, thanks for taking the time to check out my profile! Adam

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