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Barry Hott

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I've been buying and overseeing ads on Facebook since 2008. I have personally implemented, optimized, and managed monthly spends in the range of $1-5 million and cumulatively I have managed and overseen more than $600 million on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn for brands like AT&T, Toyota, Microsoft, Kraft, LG, Spotify, Hyatt, and many more. I'm comfortable with all objectives and buying types on these platforms, with expertise in branding as well as direct response. In the last few years, I've been focused on helping grow DTC/startup brands like Hubble, Keeps, Nuts.com, Urbanstems, MoneyLion, Lumin, Cerebral, Wandering Bear Coffee, Flock Chicken Chips, Mirror, Athletic Greens, Spartan, and more. In early 2020 I launched the social ads for Lone River Ranch Water and we were acquired by Diageo in 2021. All three companies I worked for in 2021 were acquired: Lone River, Thesis, and Jump450. Personal: burgers, lifehacks, craft beer, comedy, traveling, stunt driving.

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