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I'm the Aussie horticulture careers guy. As a dedicated horticulturist with over a decade of experience in the landscape maintenance industry, I have a deep understanding of the challenges and opportunities facing the horticulture sector. My passion for the industry led me to create two innovative ventures that have made a meaningful impact on the lives of professionals in the field. With the Plants Grow Here podcast, I aimed to provide valuable insights and information to listeners in a format that was both accessible and engaging. The popularity of the podcast speaks to its success, with helpful episodes that delve into topics ranging from soil science to plant biology and IPM. By delivering high-quality content to listeners, I've established Plants Grow Here as a trusted source of information and expertise in the industry. Building on this success, I founded Hort People, the premier job board for the horticulture industry and related sectors. With over 60 categories of job listings, and a user-friendly platform that makes it easy for employers and job seekers to connect, Hort People is changing the way that professionals in the field find opportunities and grow their careers. And by offering a service that's completely free for job seekers, I'm demonstrating my commitment to empowering professionals and helping the industry thrive. Off the back of these two ventures, as well as writing for industry magazines, I was invited to become a council member for the AIH, where I'm now focusing on helping employers and employees meet, as well as differentiate between "gardeners" and "horticulturists." Through my innovative ventures and my deep expertise in the landscape maintenance industry, I've earned a reputation as a thought leader and a trusted partner to the horticulture community. If you're invested in the same industry I am, or you're working in the media and communications side of things, I'd be honoured to connect with you here on LinkedIn and explore how we can work together to achieve your goals.
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