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Trustin Shiflett's Linkedin Analytics

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Is your marketing message as interesting as two snails copulating on your lawn? Do your potential clients click away nearly as fast as they clicked on? Is your pipeline full of well-qualified leads or customers itching to give you their payment method? If not. It may be time to consider a messaging makeover. History is rife with the stories of companies that changed their message, changed their branding, and made a more concerted effort to connect with customers. These companies win the long game of business, and so can you. Think about your latest ad, your latest promotion, or your social media account. These things should drive traffic to your business. They should be tantalizing and tempting prospects to spend money with you. However, if you miss the mark on your message, it can send them running like cockroaches from a light. So, Take the time. Do the research. And Speak to your customers. Don't talk AT them. Talk to them. Using words that they use - using their language. Find the sweet spot that your competitors are missing out on. Create engaging sales letters, VSL, streaming and digital ads, and print pieces that explain - what you do. And... What it will do for them... How will it make them feel? You cannot make people feel - without speaking their language. That's what I will do for you. Speak to your customers... so they will speak to you. It takes hours of research to produce a message that hits home. When you hire me, the first thing I will send you is a questionnaire. Once I receive the questionnaire back, we schedule a meeting. We go over the questionnaire and talk more about your business and your needs. Once you are comfortable with everything, I will dig back into my den and begin researching. Concepting Creating. Based on your needs, I will deliver a final product to you within 14 -21 days. I do not produce quick or cheap copy (that's for the other guys to handle). Then, you distribute your message and watch the sales roll in. If, for any reason, you are unhappy with the quality of my work, I will make it right. No guarantees, no limited-time offers - just quality concepts and copywriting that will get you results. Hop on my calendar or DM me for a free 30-minute consultation. Let's get started on your message today.

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