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Here is what I have learned in all my years working in marketing: If one thing can make your brand more relatable to other humans, it's telling stories. Hi, my name is Michael, and I am on a journey to help others make their marketing more human by telling authentic stories that help solve problems and inspire humans to connect with them. This came after a nearly 20-year-long career with one of the largest recruitment companies in the world, where I held several marketing leadership roles. After that, I ran my own solopreneur business for two years before I joined a Fintech company to run their Global Brands and Comms department. I am now fortunate to work for Randstad Sourceright, the world's leading partner for talent, where I help our clients to develop recruitment marketing strategies that connect them with the best talent in their industries. Over the years, I lived in Switzerland and Australia before moving back to my hometown, Hamburg, where I enjoy time with friends and my daughter, a good game of football, or reading a great book. I am driven by sharing stories openly and honestly with others. It's the best way to connect with other humans, and the one thing I enjoy most is precisely this: connection.

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