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I never wanted a boss. Ever. Since a very young age I had a problem with authority. → I always wanted to do my own thing. → It's not that I didn't like people. I love people. → I love motivating, making people laugh, and all that other fun stuff.... I just never wanted anyone telling me what to do. I just couldn't shake it, no matter how hard I tried. For the first 6 years of my working career I did the best I could, but just couldn't ignore the feeling of not wanting to work for someone. One day I found this blogging platform and it changed my entire career and life forever. Six months later, I quit my job and never looked back. Not once. That was back in 2007. I began my journey in digital media with the creation of one website. That 25-site portfolio reached millions of visitors a month and spans numerous verticals including → Pets → Home → Finance → Lifestyle → Entertainment To date I've never taken any investment capital and have worked with thousands of people. → I was also able to work only 3-4 hours a day. → It was a consistent 7 figure business for nearly 17 years. In 2022 I exited my largest property and held on to the other 24 sites. So what do I do now? While I still own the websites, they are on cruise control and take about 20 min a day to run. Now I do one thing: → Help people leverage their personal brand to grow their business, attract clients, and grow their networks. Ths is done through a 3-step framework I call I.S.E. or "Ice" I.S.E. stands for: Identify, Strategize, Execute The idea is to take: → 2-3 needle movers (Identify) → Create a strategy around them (Strategize), → Execute on that strategy with the support of others (Execute) It's through this strategy you can build a brand, forge amazing relationships, and sell your product or service. I teach this method in our community called Brand Built (https://joinbrandbuilt.com) Free Newsletter https://newsletter.natberman.com

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