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If you have hit a plateau in your product management career, are struggling with confidence or Imposter Syndrome, or simply want to accelerate your career and aren't sure how, book a call with me. I help ambitious product managers and teams to build and practice both hard and soft skills like persuasion and influence, storytelling, prioritization, and strategic thinking. Their value - and confidence - goes through the roof. When product teams become more effective at creating value in the world it translates directly into higher revenue and exponentially higher profits - via individual and team coaching and workshops. You can get a taste of my approach in my podcast, The Secrets of Product Management and my book The Secret Product Manager Handbook. ABOUT ME: I have 20+ years of experience in enterprise software product management, discovering market problems, creating powerful and innovative solutions, and helping sales and marketing teams be more successful in selling those solutions, in demos, positioning, handling objections, and all the other intricacies of sales enablement. I love responding to new challenges with new ideas. I am constantly inspired by insights from disparate disciplines as abundant sources of ideas and innovation. I know there's (nearly) always a solution to any problem, and I'm optimistic and enthusiastic about pursuing the answer and creating a solution. WHAT OTHERS SAY: * "Nils is whip-crack smart and can abstract out a product's key benefits like few in high-tech can." (Marie Martin, Marketing Consultant) * "[Nils's] team prepared some of the best Sales Cheat Sheets and White Papers that I've ever had at my disposal. (Sandra Boyd, Account Manager, NetIQ) * "Nils totally changed the way we demoed. From missing quota three quarters in a row, we started hitting quota every quarter." (Kristen Davis, VP Sales Engineering, Innotas by Planview)

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