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At 44 a door opened as one was shutting. Wish I could say I ran towards the door, but for a long time I was stuck in the door way, just kind of half way in and out. It took a few years to get into full swing and realize that my future passion was helping others solve their biggest obstacles. At 44 I had lost direction, purpose, as I defined my success by a job title. I lost the job title and I looked beaten. 35 lbs over weight , various health issues, various money problems, a mindset that working long long hours was a badge of honor and would lead to happiness. I had to change. My path out of employment to Time Freedom, and Great Health,was and is Network Marketing. If you don’t care for it, no worries, differences make the world go round. Finding a product that helped my allergies, hypertension, and metabolism was life changing. By getting healthy, and working on Personal Growth, my outlook changed to POSSIBLE NOT IMPOSSIBLE. Why Network Marketing.. In today’s #wfh culture, built in flexibility, built in leverage and scaling, it is the smartest move to make to rapidly escape employment. It is simple Connect-Consume-Share-Win. This does not mean easy or hard, it requires what all business requires, finding great people, over serving your customer base, continuous investment in yourself and your development, and some Faith! Today I live life. I do what I enjoy for work, and enjoy the below activities ⬇️ , none of which would be possible if I was still working a typical job. I wake daily with joy as my wife and I are both free. It is great to sleep with no alarm. Fishing caught a 7.5 lb Bass in October of 2021 on a Wednesday. Bowling with mom, at 81 mom is still bowling, even though she has various health challenges. Every Tuesday we bowl at 1:00 pm. Being with her as her care giver is one of my biggest joys. No way its possible if I have a typical job. Gardening, really excited for Spring, every year. Home projects and renovation. The last 2.5 years I spent my time renovating A 200 yr old home for an Airbnb, and Event Center. It is a getaway from Stress place. 100 acres of Pines, surrounded on one border by The Rocky River. These hobbies are daily, weekly activities, they are not something I make time for, they are part of my life. Would you like to feel better, do more of what you love, and have purpose in your work? Robert Nelson 336-953-2657 [email protected]

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