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Amidst raising my 22 yo joy boy, (a FT job ;), I carve out quiet time with God, family & friends most days. Plunk on my guitar, scratch my Bible, catch breezes on my bike, compose nature's wonders and create medleys from old gospel hymns. Also love imagining all the convos happening between heaven and here.....earth is teeming with heaven!! A scene for a screenplay is about to bud... Love to muse on the mysteries of the MP3...(my secret code for Them). A fav past time is hearing people's hearts and minds about most anything and reflecting back what I hear.... Though I do miss the bull's eye sometimes, I love to reassure people of their innate worth & value to both God & man. We all need to hear that we possess glorious Gifts to offer and that Our Days Matter! We ARE seen by Him!! and He is crazy for us! He says, "I have called you by name, you are Mine!" Isaiah 43:1-7 Yes!! ;)

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