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Sam Eaton's Linkedin Analytics

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The average salary for an HR manager is $120k. That’s a big salary to replace when starting your own business! I have a community of 140+ HR founders set on achieving and surpassing this goal. Here are some of their results: 🚀 Increase a contract from $10,000 to $25,000 🚀 Increase revenue from $9,000 to $18,000 per month 🚀 Gone from $0 → $270+ revenue in the first 9 months 🚀 Billed $41K a month for a project as a Fractional CHRO 🚀 Make more money whilst reducing hours worked by 30% 🚀 Replaced their $120k corporate income in less than 3 months If you want to or are currently growing a HR business, and would like to replicate similar results, send me a DM or have a look at my website for more details. https://mindabilitybusinesscoaching.com/masterclass/

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