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Sam Sudipta - Digital Agency Owner

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Sam Sudipta is a Founder, Strategist, Operator, Content Creator, Educator. With a mission to help marketers offload the burden of content creation, Sam and his team work with digital marketers, CMO’s and small business owners to enable them to focus more on their clients and strategies as they do not have to worry about content creation and execution of marketing activities. Sam was always curious about how businesses run and make people run for their money. Hailing from a business family, he could sense both the sides i.e. the risk of doing business and the pleasure of success in business! So after a couple of years of working in IT service providing companies, Sam co-founded his first business. After that he created a couple of other businesses on his own. He experienced that its like fathering your own kid and bringing it up! He has always been determined to succeed against all the odds and teething problems. On one hand it was about developing the team and infrastructure to house the business, on the other hand it was about acquiring new clients for a brand new consulting firm and serving them with world class results. The whole experience has been learning, thrilling and amazing! Sam is an MBA with a certificate in International Masters in Management. He has been in the digital marketing domain, serving global clientele, for close to 2 decades now. He understands the pain points of the marketers really well. With a passion for addressing challenges, Sam makes sure the solutions provided by his team exceed the expectations of the clients. Sam is the Founder and CEO of Digital Medio - a white label digital marketing agency based in India but serving partners in the USA and Canada. Sam and his team at Digital Medio specialize in - Digital Marketing Strategy Building, - Social Media Content Calendar Creation, - Graphics & Video Production - Social Media Account Management - Online Community Management. - Paid Media Campaign Management - Website Design & Development, - Landing Page & Lead Magnet Creation, - Blog Writing & Management, - Brand Collateral Design, - Animated Video Production, - Complete Account Management To learn more about the services Sam and his team offers, please visit www.DigitalMedio.com.

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