How To Find LinkedIn Profiles To Grow Your Career

Unlock valuable opportunities on LinkedIn by connecting with the best profiles.

How To Find LinkedIn Profiles To Grow Your Career
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Connecting with the best LinkedIn profiles can open doors to valuable opportunities. Learn how to find the best LinkedIn accounts to grow in your career.
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Discover The Best LinkedIn Accounts For Professional Growth
LinkedIn overturns the old rules of the professional world and can literally revolutionize your career.
LinkedIn is a powerful platform for connecting with professionals in your industry and building your career. Connecting with the best LinkedIn profiles can greatly enhance your experience on the platform and open doors to valuable opportunities.
Discover different effective strategies to implement and engage with top-performing LinkedIn accounts that align with your goals.

Define Your Goals

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Before we dive into searching for the best LinkedIn profiles to connect with, it is crucial to take a moment and define your goals by reflecting on what you hope to accomplish.
Are you looking to learn from your industry leaders and expand your network, or stay up-to-date on industry news, or explore the job market? Once you have a clear thought on your goals, start narrowing your search and find the best profiles.

Identify Your Industry Leaders

One way to find the top-performing LinkedIn accounts is to identify the industry leaders. LinkedIn has a powerful search feature that enables you to find them in your specific niche.
Look out for the individuals who consistently share insightful content with high engagement rates. You can find them by searching LinkedIn for keywords related to your niche/industry, like “marketing expert” or “product manager.”
Look at the profiles of these leaders; look out for metrics like content quality, the number of followers they have, and the engagement rate on their posts. If they look like they are worth connecting or following, add them to your network.

Explore LinkedIn Groups

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Exploring LinkedIn groups presents an effective method for discovering top-performing LinkedIn accounts. These professional online communities provide a platform to connect and engage in discussions relevant to your industry.
Utilize the search feature to find a group aligned with your interests, join, and actively participate. By sharing valuable information within these groups, you can connect with precisely the individuals you seek within your field.
Look out for the groups with a lot of activity generating a productive discussion. The more active the group is, the more likely you are to find the top-performing accounts.

Follow Company Pages

It is not always the individuals, you can also follow organizations’ pages on LinkedIn. This is a great way to stay updated on the happenings in your industry. You can leverage these company pages to find the top-performing employees. Go to a company/organization page and click on the “People” section, and you find the people working in that organization.
To find the company pages, just search for the name of the company you’re looking for. Check their activity; if you find their content engaging, follow them.

Use LinkedIn’s “Discover” feature

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LinkedIn's “Discover” feature is a great way to find new accounts based on your activity and connections. The content on your LinkedIn Discover page may include articles, posts, events, jobs, etc. If you are not already using it, we recommend you give it a try.
The more you engage with the content in your Discover feed, the better experience you will have with LinkedIn. So make sure you like, comment, and share the content that you find interesting.

Use Hashtags

Hashtags are a great way to filter down content, including accounts. Simply put a hashtag before the keyword related to your industry or interest. You will then see a list of posts, articles and events tagged with that hashtag.
This is one way to find high-quality content since hashtags in a search bring diversified results. Look out for accounts with high-quality content. Follow the accounts you find interesting.

Follow LinkedIn Influencers

Influencers on any social media platform are top-performing individuals who can grab everyone’s attention with engaging content. You can find LinkedIn influencers with the right search filters, like “marketing influencer” or “social media influencer.” You can also identify them with their follower count. An account with a great follower count is a sign that they are an influencer.
Influencers know their path very well. They are often active in LinkedIn groups; explore their profiles, and pay attention to their content and the groups they are active in to decide if they are worth your time to follow them.

Track Influencer Engagement

LinkedIn allows you to follow a large number of influencers in your industry who have a lot of expertise to share with you.
Always pay attention to the activity of a LinkedIn account. Precisely, look at the posts and comments on those posts. More comments and likes indicate that the profile provides valuable content and can add greatly to your network.
Skip the inactive accounts that haven't posted anything in months while checking the accounts matching your area of interest.

Collaborate With Other Professionals

Collaborating with other professionals in your industry is another way to find top-performing Linkedin accounts. When you collaborate with professionals within your industry, you will learn from their experience.
Reaching out to potential accounts is the right way to find people to collaborate with. As a starter, check the accounts that frequently post content worth your time.

Optimize Your Own LinkedIn Profile

What’s more important than finding top-performing LinkedIn accounts? Optimizing your own LinkedIn profile for you to be found by others who might be interested in connecting with you.
Optimize your LinkedIn profile to make the best use of relevant keywords throughout your profile, including your headline, skills, and summary. Keep regularly engaging through articles, blog posts, videos, etc.

Use LinkedIn's Premium Features

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LinkedIn Premium’s features, like Sales Navigator and LinkedIn Learning, come with many benefits.
A sales navigator allows you to search and connect with potential prospects while offering advanced search filters and lead suggestions, which is not available for nonpremium LinkedIn accounts.
LinkedIn Learning offers online courses on a variety of topics for professional development. These courses are prepared by top-performing instructors whom you can follow to catch up the engaging content on their profiles.
Upgrading to LinkedIn Premium is a valuable investment worth every penny if you are serious about networking and career advancement.
Connecting with the best LinkedIn accounts is a great way to learn from industry leaders, stay up-to-date, and connect with potential collaborators.


Following these strategic steps and employing a focused approach can unlock the treasure trove of the best LinkedIn profiles. Connect with industry leaders, immerse yourself in relevant groups, optimize your profile, and harness the full potential of LinkedIn's features.
With proactive engagement and an authentic approach, you'll pave the way for a thriving professional network that propels your career to new heights. Embrace the power of LinkedIn and embark on this transformative journey today. The possibilities are endless, waiting for you to seize them.

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Bénédicte Rivory

SEO Content Writer