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Andrea Cole's Linkedin Analytics

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Andrea Cole

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I'm a Workforce Development professional, with 10+ years experience, who thoroughly enjoys being innovative, creative and contributing to the prosperity of individuals and businesses I have the honor of working with. I've worked with a diverse customer base throughout my career, mostly working with underserved and underrepresented populations. My strengths include being highly organized, detail oriented, and having a can-do, solution based perspective to accomplish anything I put my mind and skill to. I'm tech-literate, pretty good with social media, resourceful and intuitive with common sense and a human centric approach. My current role provides the ability to work with my colleagues across the State of Oregon in a supportive and coordinated effort. I support the WorkSource Oregon Business Services Program Statewide. I also work as a Statewide Recruiter for positions looking for talent located anywhere throughout Oregon or the US. I administer the WorkSource Oregon LinkedIn page in coordination with another colleague, serve as the LinkedIn Recruiter lead for our team, create and execute LinkedIn campaigns and administer the Grow with Google Scholarship project. I thoroughly enjoy my work, work well under pressure and am always up for a challenge! If you are looking for recruitment assistance, business resources, or training & development, I may be able to help. Reach out and let's chat! I love to meet new people, expand my network and be a resource to anyone interested.

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