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With a background in civil engineering and a drive to turn ideas into reality, I co-founded multiple startups: 🎮 An eSports company (pgarena) 👓 A WebVR startup for homeschoolers (Pardo), 🚗 An NFC-based park payment solution (ParkPay), 🔊 MyTechnician (a voice-activated Windows machine diagnosis app), 👨‍🏫 An online platform for streamlining the new student scoring process in the Dominican Republic (Schon). I've also worked on several successful side projects, including: 🏫 A highschool website for sharing (Project C) 📖 An innovative online manga reader (InnerBleach) 🤖 A real estate ad-placing bot, ⌚ Timed anime episodes (Hatsuyuki), 🗃 Digital business Profile Cards (edge). Toastmasters International competitor, always looking to connect with others and continue learning. Let's connect 🤗!

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