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What does it mean to find freedom from overthinking and self-doubt? It means being at peace with all your thoughts, no matter what they are. You realize you are not your thoughts. You are the steady stream of awareness running beneath them, who is not at all bothered by the thinking mind’s endless stream of thought. It might sound like an impossible dream, but it’s not. If you’re an overthinker, you’re probably used to trying to think your way to solutions to your big questions and challenges. But chances are all that thinking is not helping you feel more certain or clear. In fact, all that overthinking is probably the very thing that: 👉Keeps you up at night with your mind spinning. 👉Makes you waffle on decisions or agonize over making the “right” choice. 👉Causes you to remain quiet when you have something to say 👉Amps up your anxiety by making you scan for everything that could possibly go wrong in any situation. 👉Leads you to replay events long past over and over (and over) again wondering what you could have said or done differently. 👉Convinces you that you need to hold onto control or that things need to be a certain way for you to be okay. When we see how much our thoughts lead to suffering, most of us want to stop our thoughts. We focus on trying to control what's going on inside our heads. I've yet to find someone who's had long term success with that strategy (including me!). What's perhaps a source of great relief is that you don't have to stop your thoughts at all. It's not the thoughts themselves that are causing "a problem". It's that you believe them. You identify with them. You grab onto them and engage with them. You are looking for peace, calm, focus and certainty in your thinking mind. But that’s not where you’ll find them. I know, because I tried for close to 40 years trying to peaceful, calm and focused clarity. But the more I sought guidance and answers in my thoughts, the worse I felt. It wasn’t until I got out of my head that I found relief: Wise guidance. Acceptance. Trust. I’m no more special than you. You can experience the same things. If you’re an overthinker, let's talk. DM me. No sales pitches. Just space to explore what's possible for you.

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