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From 2012 to early 2024, I worked in conversation rate optimisation (CRO), including running my own CRO agency for 7 years. I made £100m+ for my employers & clients in that time but I never felt personally attached to those outcomes. What I did feel personally attached to were my people; each & every one of my teams that I mentored to improve their career prospects. So in mid-2023 I decided it was time for change. I needed to do what I’d always told others to do; seek out what really matters to you. By March 2024 I’d sold my CRO agency to jump headlong into what I’d unknowingly been doing for years - making ambitious people more effective at work. I’d done it with my agency team. I’d done it with other agency owners I’d coached. I’d even done it with employees of other businesses. And the sense of personal satisfaction from seeing them succeed far outweighed the £millions I’d made for corporate businesses. I want to show you why effectiveness should be your principal work pursuit. Become effective, and you can define your own rewards.

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