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You know who gets the most clients and promotions? The person who can speak the best. You might be an expert in your domain. But if you don't speak with confidence, no one will trust you. Your career and business will suffer because you struggle to speak powerfully. Your next client will go to the person who presents better than you. Your next promotion will go to the person who communicates better than you. Your investor might pass because they are not convinced of your value and worth. You’ll feel weak and powerless. It’s crazy because you have a lot to share with the world. But your speaking skills let you down. Here’s the good news: It doesn’t have to be like that. Now imagine: You ace sales calls and win dream projects because you speak with confidence. You get that promotion because you present with clarity in the boardroom. You build a powerful brand because the world listens when you speak. I can help you get there. I’ve helped 500+ entrepreneurs and execs become confident and effective speakers. • Entrepreneurs like Wes, who had stage fright and went blank when he was in the spotlight. • VPs like Sarah, whose voice shook every time she presented in the boardroom. But became a confident speaker working with me and secured 2 leads worth $350,000 for her company. • LinkedIn creators like Jasmin Alić, Ruben Hassid, Lara Acosta, Sophie Miller, Nigel Thomas, Nicholas Boucher, and Mando Sallavanti III who now speak on big stages with credibility, authority, and influence. I can help you become a confident, powerful speaker too. Are you ready to stop missing opportunities and start attracting them? DM me ‘SPEAK’ to find out how. Who am I: • 3-time TEDx speaker. • Award-winning ex-filmmaker. • Communication skills trainer at Fortune 50 P&G. • Official LinkedIn Instructor for public speaking courses. • Coached 500+ execs at Google, Amazon, SAP, AT&T, IBM, Twitch, European Chamber of Commerce. I'm also a part of the @elgato professional program as well as the LinkedIn Creators program.

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