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Nadine Heir's Linkedin Analytics

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No copywriting job is too large, nor is an absent content strategy too intimidating. Tap into the grit that only a career in startups can forge, and a love of all things marketing. Drop me a line for tailored quotes. Vetting content writers? With me, you'll be hiring experience on founding teams, reporting to CEOs and CMOs directly, and managing creatives and training writers. Proof of the pudding is my experience with international brands including WeWork, Moody's, VMLY&R, Coca-Cola, and IBM. Hobbies include: ‣ Hiding 🐈 and ☕ icons in photos that accompany my LinkedIn microblogs. ‣ Learning fresh SEO, digital strategy, and content marketing tricks from the LinkedIn circle. ‣ Trying too hard to make you smile with my lack of LinkedIn decorum. Not keen on marketing posts? Head over to my most personal platform, Migrant in Mexico, linked in my featured section.

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