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Muhammad Saad's Linkedin Analytics

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Profile picture of Muhammad Saad ✅ Amazon PPC Specialist

Muhammad Saad ✅ Amazon PPC Specialist

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Hi there, I'm Saad 👋 I'm a performance marketer who works with Amazon brands. I'm a co-founder at Profity Media and host the Profity Media Podcast. I'm responsible for helping brands grow on Amazon in various niches and categories like pet food, mobile accessories, massage and relaxation. I've achieved impressive results for a food brand, helping them generate over $12,500 in revenue in December while maintaining a 12.38% TACOS and 27.88% ACOS. My approach is heavily centered around generating profit to fuel growth by improving your product's conversion rate, finding the optimal advertising targets and placements where you get the best bank for your ad dollars. If you're looking to grow your Amazon business, please don't hesitate to reach out. Our team at Profity Media is ready to answer your questions and offers a 100% free, no-strings-attached, complimentary audit – no obligations, just insights into how we can elevate your performance!

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