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Simone Anzböck (Anzboeck) 🌍

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Hit a roadblock in your life abroad? 👋🏻 I'm Simone. I work with ambitious international professionals in mid-career to create their next life chapter with confidence. Life abroad is an adventure! But it's not smooth sailing. Do you: ✦ Scroll IG but can't find the answers to how to 'be your most confident self'. ✦ Work long hours but have no time for the yoga class. Nor energy for a night out. ✦ Have tons of notes in your journal about changes you want to make. But nothing to show. ✦ Witness time slipping away .. Is that all? If not, where do I go from here? ✦ Notice your exciting international life has become groundhog day. Any of this resonates? IMAGINE THIS … You wake up energised because you do work you love, are good at, and make a difference. You put yourself out there without fearing the outcome. You make progress on what matters to you. And still have time for yoga or a date night. It's possible. Read my client testimonials. But I know you! You made a life for yourself abroad. You're used to figuring it out on your own. You’re waiting for the answers to appear. But somehow, they haven’t. You can change things today. Or go in circles for months. What will it be? 👉🏻 Download my free guide “The 4 Warning Signs”: https://simoneanzboeck.com/free-guide-4-signs/ WHAT DO I OFFER? 🟩 1:1 COACHING: 100% Bespoke. Flexible. Practical – my coaching helps you find your own answers. I combine neuroscience, strengths-coaching, positive psychology with somatic and intuition tools. Think: mind, body & spirit! 🟩 SPEAKING: I speak about international life, career and global mindset. My style? Interactive, positive, high-energy. 💡 "I took charge of what I really wanted to do." (Bala, US) #Testimonial Head to ☝🏻 featured section and ☎️ book your FREE 45 MIN DISCOVERY CALL. ABOUT ME Don't call me expat! 🇦🇹 Austrian by birth. 🗺️ Global Citizen by conviction. Lived and worked abroad for the last 20 years in 15+ countries. Highlights: MM 🇲🇲, NZ 🇳🇿. Currently: UK 🇬🇧. I had a purposeful but stressful career in international development. I know global life is not always glamorous. I found my partner abroad, manage a bi-national and dual-career relationship and re-designed my career to suit my lifestyle: portfolio based, non-linear, conscious, and grounded. 🐘 In my free time: watching elephant reels.

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