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Stevina Cullen's Linkedin Analytics

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Purpose, Passion, and WHY 💜 My Passion: I care so much about all of the transitioning military and jobseekers, that I felt I needed to do something to help. To that end, I have created the Bridging the Job Gap publication and Group. Removing Red tape and Connecting Recruiters with Candidates in one space, Daily. My Purpose: I genuinely need to help place folks in positions for their futures. I am actively helping #military #veterans, #milspouses, and #jobseekers. THESE ARE MY WHY. I have created a large network and pipeline of both job seekers and recruiters. I am a Creator of a group to help jobseekers, and Military to transition. I WILL find a way to make my dream come true and help thousands of Veterans and Transitioning Military! I stand by my CORE VALUES: Honesty Integrity Compassion Empathy Accountability Collaboration Creativity Teamwork Persistence Customer Commitment Diversity and Inclusion Professionalism Thanks so much for stopping by and learning a little more about me 🥰

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