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Nick Raeburn

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Have you ever wondered if you're the hero your younger self needed? I am now... But it wasn’t always this way. See I didn't have what you would call a conventional childhood… I was sexually abused from the age of 5 till about 10, by a close family member. Yep I know. Probably not what you were expecting to read on someones Linkedin Bio. This destroys your trust in people and relationships, and my abuser would often try to commit suicide. Whilst I was left in the house with them. So I escaped into stories, to try and understand what had happened to me. Trauma strips you of your voice and it snatches away childhood. I want to teach people how to be creative again (just like a children are) and empower them through that to find their digital voice. Becoming who they are destined to be on social! Stories let you escape to a place of safety. And when you're confronted with that as a kid, that’s exactly what you do. You dive into your imagination… Telling stories and creativity is as natural to me as breathing. It’s my gift and it makes me unique. Don’t worry this particular story does have a happy ending. I would have never have met my incredible wife and had two amazing children if it wasn’t for what happened to me as a boy. So for that I’m thankful. And with time I have forgiven that little boy and myself, and it’s shaped me, my business and my life. Inside each and every one of us is a story waiting to be told, one that defines who you are. It’s your digital voice waiting to become it, it’s that tiny sound inside you that you wish you could silence. It’s your story waiting to get out, this is what makes you unique and one of a kind. I have already traveled this path. Changing the stories we tell about ourselves allows us to change the world around us for good. If I can tell my story, you can too. It’s this story which will allow you to cross the digital divide, an increasing gap between traditional business models and a new creator led economy. Just a guy, changing the world, 1 person, 1 team and 1 company at a time. Through social storytelling. As a kid I was also - Hit by a swing, run over by a car 
and electrocuted. 
 Which explains a lot! 😂 Everyone can be a creator, yes even you! You’re one story away from changing the world 🤝 DM Me PS I also ❤️ videogames A Digital Renaissance Man at heart Your creative spirit animal 🦊 ✉️ [email protected] ❤️ Join our digital community for nerds - https://storyscale.thrivecart.com/the-hall-of-heroes/ ⚔️ Harness the hero within & let thy quest begin - https://thecreatorheroquest.com

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