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I like buying coffees, leading passionate people and building great products - FAST. I'm recommended by C - Level Execs of Billion $ companies, I've been given prestigious awards and lost my hair in doing so. I started Five2One in May 2017 with $500 and grew it to 7 figures and 10 team members in 11 months & 28 days (the day I closed the deal that got us the 7 Fig mark) I started & sold Cenario.co 1.5 years post the pandemic outbreak. I started SmartWriter in June 2021, grew it to 14,000 users including Facebook, Stripe & VaynerMedia. I started Smartlead in June 2022, currently (Aug) at 6,000 accounts. We've been recognised as one of the best in Australia and have built 62 production-grade applications for start ups and corporates. I've worked with The UN, PwC, NewsCorp, Carsguide, AutoTrader, IAG, WilliamHill, Maoneng, SocietyOne, Lumachain, UNSW, Archistair and many other multi-(b)million dollar companies. I have taught at 2 software bootcamps on how to build quality software products in various technologies and authored 3 courses on Udemy that gained nearly ~35,000 students online. I've spoken internationally and nationally at over 46 events from meetups to paid conferences. We've helped clients raise Millions in blockchain and worked with companies that are changing the world as we know it. During this time I learnt how important having a strong team (that aligns with you) is, how important it is to believe in yourself and to enjoy what you're doing. I still forget to put semi-colons and eat dessert before the main course. I'm now building what I've wanted to from the beginning - our own products (smartwriter.ai, smartlead.ai) You'll often find me on stage sharing advice and tips on bootstrapping a B2B business to talks on AI's position in the future, the best software development and product growth tactics. I've been called a tech lead, CEO, CTO, coder, engineer, founder, leader, coffee buyer, non-sleeper and many other things -no one seems to realise i'm an excellent singer 😂 I've had the amazing opportunity to mentor for world-class accelerators like Startmate, Antler UK, Incubate, UNSW Founders and Australia's largest VC fund Blackbird as a Giant I can be your "thought leader" too, just beware that I think a lot about potatoes So, you've read this far ... coffee?

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