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🦾Eric Nowoslawski's Linkedin Analytics

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I am a direct response outbound lead generation expert. And by that jumble of words, I mean that I leverage cold email to build predictable revenue pipelines for my clients. I leverage over 20 databases to merge Firmographic, Technographic, and Persona data to build highly targeted playbooks with my clients. I believe we need to arm sales teams with the knowledge of their total Target Addressable Market and teach them how to score that Market for which companies have the most pain and need their solution. The best way to do this is to look at public indicators such as open jobs data, employee growth/attrition, social media growth, web traffic, new product launches, employee sentiment, individual employee tech investment, company tech stacks, etc. With this data, not only are you only messaging with people that you know have a problem that you can solve, you also are armed with powerful messaging that cuts through the noise. I teach sales teams to embrace technology and multiply what is possible per employee.

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