How to Grow on LinkedIn as a Doctor

Build a strong personal brand on LinkedIn as a doctor with our guide. Optimize, connect, engage, and accelerate your growth with AI tools.

How to Grow on LinkedIn as a Doctor
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Build a strong personal brand on LinkedIn as a doctor with our guide. Optimize, connect, engage, and accelerate your growth with AI tools.
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How to Grow On LinkedIn as a Doctor (Free Guide)
LinkedIn, for doctors, is a low-risk, high-reward tool to
  • Extend your professional and referral network
  • Build your reputation and online visibility
  • Establish yourself as a thought leader
But because since you have to concentrate most of your time on your patients, you may think growth on LinkedIn for doctors is impossible.
The good news is that you can build your personal brand on LinkedIn using the three basic steps we’ll teach you in this guide.
Start by optimizing your LinkedIn profile. Fortunately, LinkedIn profiles for doctors are easy to optimize.
Once you’ve done that, connect with your desired audience and create interesting content for them.
The best part: We’ll show you a powerful AI tool that can accelerate your LinkedIn growth.

1. Start With Your Profile

As a doctor, your LinkedIn profile is an advanced extension of your resume. So, optimizing your profile helps you showcase your medical expertise, experience, and achievements.
Infuse industry keywords in your profile to increase your chances of appearing on the top pages of search results.
Let’s show you how LinkedIn profiles for doctors are optimized.
  • Name
Use your full name with your title or degree as people search for doctors using their names and titles.
  • Profile picture
Use a recent, clear, professional headshot so that people can easily recognize you from your profile picture when they meet you.
Showcase where you work, your field of expertise, leadership position, vision, or project.
Use our headline generator to get an eye-catching headline in mere seconds!
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It can be an image of your clinic or hospital, a sneak peek of your work environment or your latest project.
Make sure it shows cohesion with your profile picture so as not to confuse your prospects.
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  • Honors & Awards
Show off any honors and awards you’ve gotten in your field. Including social proof in your profile is vital for doctors, especially with so many scammers out there!
Proving who you really are and how much you’ve helped will do wonders for your image and your business.
  • Work experience
Include the places you’ve worked at and your key roles.
  • Projects
Highlight all medical projects you’ve been involved in.
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  • Recommendations
Ask for recommendations from your colleagues, satisfied patients, and anyone you’ve worked with.
Again, social proof is your best ally here!
Use your About section to tell your story.
  • Show what you do and where you’re heading in your medical field
  • Share your goals and visions for the medical community
  • Talk about your most exciting projects
Do you need a little push to create your summary? We’ve got you covered!
Use this summary generator. Simply answer a few questions and get your summary.
  • Publications
The big Kahuna!
Include your publications to showcase your expertise.
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  • Skills and endorsements
List at least five of your most vital skills. Ask your colleagues to endorse you in your areas of expertise.
  • Profile URL
Customize your LinkedIn profile URL with your name and degree or something memorable that you’ll be proud to share with others. It helps with your search engine optimization and also makes you look professional.
  • Organizations
Show off all the notable medical organizations you belong to.
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2. Connect With Your Target Audience

First, be sure of your ideal audience. They may be
  • People with medical conditions you specialize in
  • Colleagues or brands you want to talk to or work with
Then you can find them using LinkedIn search, groups, and events.
Let’s say you want to connect with pediatric nurse practitioners in California, United States.

Step 1:

Type “pediatric nurse practitioner” in the search bar at the top of your feed and hit your Enter key.
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Step 2:

Click People below the search bar to show profiles of pediatric nurse practitioners.
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Step 3:

Click the Locations filter and type “California United States” in the location box. Then click Show results.
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Step 4:

Now, you have a list of pediatric nurses that you can connect with. Click the Connect button beside each profile to send a connection request.
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Step 5:

Personalize your connection request with a customized message. This way, it’s more likely for the user to accept your request.
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Join LinkedIn Groups

Use LinkedIn’s search to find groups your target audience belong to and join them.
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Start meaningful conversations, engage with members posts, and share your opinions on relevant trends to increase your visibility in the group.
Some popular groups you can check out:
You can also research LinkedIn groups in your community by defining your desired location.

Participate in Events

Use the Events filter on a LinkedIn search to find upcoming events your target audience will attend.
Join those events, ask/answer questions, join their discussions, and connect with the participants.

3. Create Interesting Content for Your Audience

As a doctor, you should be a source of credible information for your audience.
Things you can share on your profile include:
  • News and updates on medical trends in your area of expertise
  • Thoughts and opinions on medical issues, regulations, and trends
  • Success stories and testimonials with permission from patients and following industry regulations
  • Awards, endorsements, or honors received in your field
  • Any projects you’re working on in the medical community
  • Interesting facts and findings from your publications or research
Check out Bryan Vartabedian’s profile to see how he creates content for his audience.
You can also get content ideas by studying posts from fellow industry experts, finding relevant discussion topics from your groups, and using Taplio’s powerful AI. ⬇️
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How to Make the Best Use of Your Time on LinkedIn

No more spending hours thinking of your next post or customizing connection requests and private messages. Connect with other healthcare professionals, promote your medical practice, find research opportunities, and build your brand by keeping a LinkedIn presence.

Build your Personal Brand.

Only 10 minutes a day.

👉 Try Taplio for free!
Christina Miranda

SEO, content creator, and translator