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Your go-to partner as a tech-curious sales professional, currently circling the Nordics region as a Partner Sales Executive at Red Hat. If you're looking for a unique blend of tech expertise and curiosity toward self-development (mindfulness, nutrition, cold plunging, exercise, pool, 🥃,), → feel free to connect. In my work I'm looking to: - Create a smooth channel for communication with partners, colleagues & clients - Unleash the potential of your business through Red Hat solutions - Build bonds across the Nordics and beyond - Treat everyone with kindness - Start conversations off-topic for a genuine human connection In my free time, you can find me: - Jogging around the neighboring park - Playing pool (& hopefully some snooker) - Pretending to be fancy with whiskeys - Reading and listening to books (and podcasts) - Exploring new countries, cultures, languages, people On LinkedIn I'll be: - Posting frequently (3-5x week) - Discussing topics that hover around the tech industry - Looking to enrich my feed with brilliant thinkers (please recommend me some!) - Commenting and sharing your posts (given they're insightful) - Brave If you made it this far, don't hesitate to send me a connection request, DM, or comment on one of my posts. Let's have a talk. Cheers °°°°° PS. If you're a tech leader and need a ghostwriter → send me an email: [email protected]

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