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Dmytro Krasun's Linkedin Analytics

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I am a senior software engineer with 8+ years of experience in backend development. I have industry experience in high load, big data, refactoring complex monolithic applications into microservices, and building microservices from an early stage. I love to work in teams that care about the product they're making. Languages/Frameworks: Java (JUnit, Spring Boot), Go, JavaScript (Node.js). Databases and tools: MySQL, MongoDB, ElasticSearch, Redis, Apache Kafka, ELK, Grafana, Prometheus, Docker, Kubernetes, AWS. Other: Data structures and algorithms, OOP, design patterns, structural programming, functional programming, SOLID, KISS, DRY, distributed programming, microservices, CQRS, Event Sourcing, TDD, DDD, REST and RPC API design, SQL and NoSQL.

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