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Dr. Angela Young, CPACC's Linkedin Analytics

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Dr. Angela Young, CPACC

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Every individual has their own unique voice, their own story, and a ton of untapped potential. But here’s the thing: not everyone gets the same spotlight or the right tools to truly stand out. And this is where my passion really kicks in. From the moment I was born, the world tried to put limits on what I could achieve. But I'm here, living proof that challenges can turn into opportunities when you embrace the power of inclusion. For almost 20 years, I've poured my heart into two main areas: 🔹 From the Top: In the boardrooms and strategy meetings, I've been that voice emphasizing the importance of Learning & Development strategies that truly get what diversity means. And hey, the results speak for themselves: a 63% increase in sales engagement and a 31% bump in brand awareness. Not too shabby, right? 🔹 From the Ground Up: On a personal level, I've been all about lifting up the queer, neurodiverse, and disabled communities. Giving them the tools and confidence to build their personal brands and make some noise. My work here? It's led to things like a 32% revenue jump in accessible content for kids and a whopping 60% average increase in educational assessment scores. Whether I’m working with big organizations or one-on-one with individuals, my goal remains the same: create spaces where everyone's differences aren't just noticed but are genuinely celebrated. From launching accessible STEM programs (which, by the way, expanded by 67%) to guiding individuals in sharing their unique stories, I'm all about making inclusion a real, tangible thing. Interested? Let's chat. Whether you're a company aiming to be more inclusive or an individual wanting to amplify your personal brand, I'm here to help.

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