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Profile picture of Arwyn Swanger, CESP

Arwyn Swanger, CESP

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As a Talent Acquisition Manager, I'm the driving force behind designing and implementing efficient recruitment processes tailored for executive leadership, C-suite directors, hiring managers, stakeholders, and VIPs. My mission is to ensure our talent acquisition strategies seamlessly align with our organization's overarching goals, fostering a workforce that embodies our values and propels us toward success. I've achieved remarkable results with over 17 years of expertise in talent acquisition, HR, Partnerships, fundraising, marketing, and client success. I've spearheaded a 200% increase in high-caliber candidate volume by tailoring hiring strategies and enhancing senior leadership engagement. But my passion extends beyond numbers; I'm a fierce advocate for diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB). Specializing in neurodiversity hiring, DEI programs, Second-Chance Employment, DEIB Program Management, and SEO marketing campaigns, I've placed 823 job seekers in fulfilling roles, maintaining an impressive 98% client retention rate. My commitment doesn't stop at the office door. I actively speak out against discrimination, racism, ableism, and mental health stigmas, championing workplace inclusivity and supporting LGBTQIA+ individuals, trauma and domestic violence survivors, mental health warriors, neurodiversity advocates, and disability inclusion champions. My achievements speak volumes: ๐ŸŒŸ Expertise in DEI Programs, Neurodiversity Hiring, SEO, People Management, Revenue Generation, and Change Management. ๐ŸŒŸ Proficiency in Contract Negotiation, HR Strategy, Compensation, Benefits, and Onboarding. ๐ŸŒŸ Renowned for Innovative Process Improvement and Organizational Development. ๐ŸŒŸ Passionate about Second Chance Employment, Underserved Communities, and Advocacy for Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault Survivors Let's connect to elevate your recruitment strategy and shape a workforce that reflects your organization's values and vision. We'll drive excellence and foster a culture of inclusivity and belonging. ๐ŸŒ Connect with Me: LinkTree: https://linktr.ee/IAmArwynPhoenix Emergency Fundraiser: https://www.freefunder.com/campaign/access-vital-med-care Amazon Affiliate Shop: https://www.amazon.com/shop/arwyn Email: [email protected] Website: www.eliteneurodistinctsolutions.net

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