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Sanskriti Garg 🇮🇳's Linkedin Analytics

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Currently working as an Associate Data Analyst proficient in SQL programming and data analytics can answer inquiries in a relevant manner and has a solid grasp of how to extract relevant information from cleaned data. My graduation was in the winter of 2021. My expertise is based on: 1. SQL - HackerRank has awarded me a 5-star rating for SQL. I've used more than 100 SQL queries in practice. On a daily basis, I solve intermediate to difficult SQL queries difficulties on the Data Lemur Platform. 2. Excel - MS Excel was trained with the course IBM Excel for Data Analysis. Can quickly execute the necessary data cleansing to retrieve the necessary information. Familiar with Pivot Visualizations and functions for performing various operations. 3. POWER BI Understanding of the relevant business requirements and KPIs. I recently created a Sales Dashboard for a chocolate firm. 4. Presentation Skills I can provide the insights to the stakeholders after thoroughly understanding the relevant business requirements. 5. Python In Python, I can easily handle fundamental problems with case statements. Familiar with python libraries such as numpy, pandas, and Matplotlib. I completed an internship and was trained to construct a project using the Python programming language. Other than this, I am a learner who strives to learn something new every day.

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