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Kelsey Kovich's Linkedin Analytics

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Kelsey Kovich

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99.99% of the time, your funnel isn’t the problem. It’s not that ads don’t work for you. Or email. Or SEO. It’s not the what… It’s your positioning and copy. As a result? Your interested buyers get turned off. Quickly. → Compliance issues → Technical complexity → Writing to the wrong audience There’s A LOT to consider. On top of that, your target audience has no idea of the real impact you make. And what’s the price you pay? → Waste precious time and money sending the wrong message → Attract the wrong leads (if any) → Conversion rates = 🦗🦗🦗 Buyers want to know HOW you can help them, not WHAT it is. The solution? Clear. Crisp. Customer-focused copy. Written by me. Value-packed content. Written by a real copywriter. Who leverages your customer's problems, story-based content, and buyer psychology. If you: → Want to close more deals. Bigger ones. Consistently. → Want make more money, without focusing on doing more. → Want the right clients not only find you but want to work with you. DM me to connect - I’d love to chat with you!

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