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Like you, I’m here, doing my thing because being a part of the problem isn’t an option. And this is coming from someone who made terrible decisions in her past: • Served in the army for 3 years as a reporter and news editor for a national radio station and stuck through it all despite experiencing daily emotional abuse • Worked in underpaid hospitality and service jobs for *years* even though she was beyond overqualified • Joined a month-long fellowship for female entrepreneurs which ended up being a cult-like experience But all of these experiences (and many more) brought me here… and I wouldn’t change a damn thing. Because everything I went through made me better equipped to help impact-leading brands like yours to create so much more impact: • My years in hospitality taught me how to create real-life customer journeys that bring in more revenue and increase happier repeating customers, which are even easier to create in digital settings • My journalism days required me to be quick on my feet, and to simplify big, complex topics into stories that an entire nation could understand • Following my contrasting experiences, I deepened my understanding of consent, what it looks like in real life and in email marketing, and the positive impact it brings when you practice it with your audience Now I bring all of those skills together (and then some) to help good-doing eCommerce and B2B brands generate more impact and revenue from their email lists - so that they can take that and create more good in the world. “Yuval really amplifies any business because she'll ask what your goals are and what you're trying to do and she'll say, ‘Here's how email marketing can fit into it’ rather than coming and saying ‘how do you want email marketing to fit into this?’... Having [her in my business] helped me grow into my position as a CEO because you trust someone so much that it's there. And I trust her, I trust her with my business and I know she wants it to succeed.” DM me to get started. I'd love to help you amplify your impact.

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