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Luke Nevill

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I help businesses leverage paid acquisition to increase revenue and bottom line profits. With a strong emphasis on paid social, I operate in a systematic style whilst heavily focused on campaign performance. I have spent hundreds of thousands in advertising spend whilst helping a large variety of businesses scale as a result. This is how I work with my clients; - Understand and analyse your companies best performing channels alongside your competitors performance - Establish KPI’s on both a channel and company level - Analyse the market and develop a strategy to match KPIs - Manage advertising budget to ensure its spent in the most profitable way - Curate a range of creatives for all the campaigns that are operating to generate results - Optimise campaigns accordingly to ensure results are achieved - Build reports to share and discuss with the team
 The clients I work best with are driven, hard working and they want to see their business impact the world in a positive way. In addition they need to understand the volatility of digital marketing (at times) alongside wanting to work together rather than individually - this will always produce the best results long term. If you’d like to know a bit more about me here are some career highlights; - Ran my own gym for 3 years and built it to over 150 members in my hometown of Welwyn Garden City - Worked my way up from Junior to Senior Account Manager within 6 months at a digital marketing agency - Spent millions of pounds on advertising on FB & Instagram Like the sound of me? Great, send me a message on LinkedIn or email me on [email protected]

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