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Most companies don't realize they can 4x their revenue growth by creating a strong culture (Forbes). How? Well, when you establish programs that shed light on each of your employees’ unique values, talent, promise and personal goals... They feel valued, supported, and excited to grow. In fact, organizations with... ➡️ Cultures that encourage people be their authentic selves are 55% less likely to have employees actively seek another job (Gallup) ➡️ Highly engaged employees leads to 200%+ increase in performance (Gallup) ➡️ Employees with leaders who embody human leadership increase engagement by 37% (Gartner) By the way, this isn’t about a relaxed dress code, snack bar, or free swag. (This is going about culture the wrong way) Instead, you need: 1. Spaces where your team’s gifts shine 2. Leaders that are genuine and authentic 3. Employees who show up as their real selves Doing this is how you can receive awards for the best place to work... Attract top tier talent... And build a strong, connected, and engaged team. This is what I help companies like you do. I’m Mari, and I have worked in HR for organizations like JP Morgan Chase, Microsoft, and Electronic Arts for 15+ years. I’m also a certified and trained Life Coach and bring intuitive gifts to corporate spaces. I offer unique experiences so your employees feel more satisfied, fulfilled, and connected to their purpose, leading to stronger company culture, increased productivity, and higher retention. I've worked with clients from Apple, Nike, Google, Electronic Arts who... 🌟 Went from feeling unappreciated and checked out — to self-nominating for a promotion that put them in a position where their natural gifts shine 🌟 Pursued a lifetime dream and became a published author — which had a direct impact on their work as they became more focused and engaged 🌟Cultivated a culture of trust and connection, shifting a toxic team to a productive and engaged environment — resulting in a promotion and more balance between work and personal life So, if you’re serious about having a culture that allows your employees to be their most authentic selves while increasing your bottom line... Send me a message and we’ll create unique experiences that will leave your employees feeling more fulfilled while actively contributing to and elevating your company culture.
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