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As a Data Scientist at LexisNexis, I apply my passion for mathematics and education to solve complex problems using data science and machine learning. I work with a cross-functional team of engineers, analysts, and product managers to develop and deploy innovative solutions that enhance the user experience and deliver value to our customers. Some of my recent projects include building a natural language processing model to extract insights from legal documents, creating a dashboard to visualize and monitor key performance indicators, and conducting experiments to optimize user engagement and retention. In addition to my role at LexisNexis, I also offer career coaching for aspiring data scientists who want to transition from a non-technical background. With over 20 years of experience as a high school math teacher and an adjunct professor, I have a unique perspective and a proven track record of helping others achieve their career goals in data science. I provide personalized guidance and support on technical skills, resume writing, interview preparation, networking strategies, and professional branding. Whether you are a student, a teacher, a professional, or a career changer, I can help you unlock your potential and land your dream job in data science. If you are interested in a 1:1 call or my available resources to help you get started on your journey, please visit topmate.io/tiffany_teasley. I look forward to working with you!

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