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I have helped 481 middle management & C-suite professionals land new careers over the past 13 months. Removing the frustration that jobseekers have while applying for job after job, and only getting those darn rejection emails, is what makes setting that alarm for 5am (or sometimes 4am) all worth it. I have also been there and done that over and over... - I've been that frustrated jobseeker - doing all the wrong things - applying for hundreds and hundreds of jobs - getting Ghosted for months and months Until I learned… - what to do... but more importantly what not to do - how to properly network on LinkedIn - it’s all about applying for targeted jobs - you must have a resume that gets past the ATS - how to get noticed and land that new career My previous experience as a Hiring Manager - Grass Roots Recruiter – and Decades of Interviewing have allowed me to craft resumes that tell “your story”. Let’s face it… searching for a new career should not be stressful but it can and will be without the right tools. And those tools better be sharp… So, what are those tools??? 1) Resume 2) LinkedIn 3) Networking I will provide you those tools and teach you how to keep them sharp for your entire working career. Allowing you to go from rejected to recruited. Identifying what my clients' strengths are while probing my clients for what they really enjoy doing allows me to craft “their story” and I know how-to best position jobseekers by leveraging LinkedIn and getting you noticed by recruiters. And jobseekers get better jobs quicker... by working with me. ➡️ Need a new Resume - Improved LinkedIn Profile - Influencer Coaching??? ➡️ Live in the United States? ➡️ Book a Free 15 min discover call: https://altoadvance.kartra.com/calendar/15minDiscoveryCall If you live outside the United States, please message me on LinkedIn to schedule. View a list of all of our services here: https://altoadvance.kartra.com/page/Services

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