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Omar M.'s Linkedin Analytics

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Omar M.

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With over three years of experience as a Technical Specialist Trainer at TTEC, I provide technical support and training to clients and employees of Blue Shield, a leading health insurance company. I leverage my engineering and mathematics background to solve complex problems and explain technical concepts in a clear and engaging way. I also collaborate with my team and other departments to ensure quality service and customer satisfaction. Online education and tutoring are my passions, and I have multiple certifications and over six years of experience in this field. I have taught various subjects to students of different ages and levels, using interactive and personalized methods and platforms. I have also created and hosted Zoompardy, a popular online game show on YouTube, where I entertain and educate viewers with fun and challenging trivia questions. Zoompardy showcases my creativity, humor, and multimedia skills, and it reflects my mission to make learning fun and accessible for everyone.

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