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If you want to build a business that can work without you, you are in the right place. Keep reading: If... - You feel stuck. - Your agency is at full capacity - You want to grow the business, but you don't know how. - You work with high-ticket clients so it’s all pretty manual. - Your staff makes mistakes and misses deadlines all the time. - You do great work, but your client relationship deteriorates over time. - You feel like the whole business is completely reliant on you to do everything. I can help you. I was like you a few years ago. It's stressful. Good news is, I got through the tough days before and ended up exiting the business for a $7m payout in 2021. But before I tell you how automation can fix all your problems, Here's who I am and why you should care Ed here. I sold my business for $7 million in 2021. After that, I decided to start an automation agency to help other businesses scale, as I did. The same thing I did to scale and exit my business before will work for you now: AUTOMATION! Here are 3 reasons why it can help you: 1) Automation can do things in 1-minute that would take a human hours. Think about all those backend tasks your staff struggles with. They should all be automated. Once you pull the trigger, the automation is working 24/7 and does the job perfectly every time. 2) You can have a fully automated system live in less than 2 weeks. Just map out tasks and start building. You’ll see the benefits instantly. To do things manually, you have to spend hours per day getting updates from staff. Such a waste of time. What if you had a dashboard on your phone that gave you full visibility across all projects, without having to check in on staff? 3) Automation is the best investment you can make. Suppose you can handle 30 clients a year. Your client LTV is $20,000. If you have ZERO systems in place right now... An investment in some simple automations would increase your capacity by 10-30% in the next 2 weeks. You'll take on an extra $60,000 to $180,000 worth of clients as a result. Sounds great, right? So, I will be your Chief Automation Officer! I will: - Create a business capability map that outlines everything you do every day. - Tell you which processes should be automated, and which ones shouldn't to make sure you can spend as much time as possible with clients. - Build the automated system for you in the most efficient and cost-effective way possible. - Monitor the system 24/7 and fix bugs without you having to ask. Let's talk: https://calendly.com/edaxe/automation-call

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