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Jon Spiesman's Linkedin Analytics

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You finally have time set for that romantic dinner date with your spouse. Her favorite location, the smell of butter, garlic, and wine wafting from the kitchen as you imagine a plate of Veal Parmigiano. The maitre’d seats you and you open the menu as you feel a familiar buzz from your jacket pocket…. Your phone ringing. It's work…again. You missed another of your son’s soccer games. His dejected gaze at his shoes when you explain, it carves at your soul. That look from your wife….all too familiar. You can see that your strategy is outdated, opportunities laying lonely on the table like those magazines articles you keep meaning to read. You just need time…you need to get ahead of a few things. You need freedom to work on your business, not stuck feeling trapped in your business. You sacrificed much to build your business. You deserve success….you also deserve to live your life and enjoy what you have built, not be a slave to it. You can regain your treasured personal time, you can pursue those business opportunities and catalyze the next level of growth. If you recognize yourself here….there is hope. You grew your business career one block at a time…the way out of this situation is the same….to grow out of it. I use proven coaching frameworks to target measurable improvement areas for your leadership. True organizational change starts through courageous change with senior leaders like you. I’m so confident in this process that I offer a results guarantee. You will see measurable improvement or you don't pay. What do you have to lose?

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