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Back in the early 80’s my daddy started an autobody shop in central British Columbia, Canada. Our shop had its humble beginnings right on the ranch that I grew up on. My daddy was a hard-working man that needed a way to support his family, so he learned the autobody trade and got to work fixing cars in the ranch shop. God blessed our family and the business grew so much that they needed to add on to the shop a couple of times to keep up with demand. Of course, this shop would become a second home to me while I worked, played, and grew up there. By the early 90’s the shop on the ranch was bursting at the seams. It was time to find a bigger and better location. The shop was then moved to a new shop in our town and it’s actually still there today. I started managing the autobody shop in 2013. I wore many hats in the shop: customer service, shop management, parts ordering, insurance negotiations, and floor sweeper. Whatever needed to be done, I tackled it head-on. I knew that it was the customers that kept the lights turned on, so I made sure customer service was our number one priority. In 2021 I chose to move on and pursue other ventures, but I look back on my years of management and feel blessed for the opportunity. I learned so many lessons on the floor of that shop, and now I’m using them to serve my marketing customers. I understand the hard work that goes into running a successful autobody shop. I understand the pain that the industry is facing. But I believe that every independent shop has the right to be full of cars and be supported by their local communities. My years of growing up on the ranch and helping around the autobody shop helped shape who I am today. I was raised on hard work, respect, integrity, and humility. One of my daddy’s sayings still sticks with me today, “Don’t stand around with your hands in your pockets”. So, this is how I operate BodyShop Marketing. Let’s get after it! Let’s chat today and see if there is any way I can support you and your shop!

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