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Nigel Cliffe's Linkedin Analytics

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I help YOU or YOUR team build authority to develop new business opportunities by providing comprehensive LinkedIn® training, coaching, and consulting. My process guarantees results by identifying, attracting, educating, engaging and nurturing relationships on LinkedIn®. Let's talk: +44(0)7976 894353 You are aware of the vast opportunities that can result from maximising your use of LinkedIn® but are unsure what to do next... THAT'S WHERE I COME IN! ⬅️ ► I deliver measurable, quantifiable results by helping you build a successful strategy for using LinkedIn® to its fullest extent. I blend customer insight, business strategy, and bespoke training to engage, educate, and motivate you and your workforce to measurably achieve one of your organisation’s most important goals - generating new business opportunities! HERE'S WHAT I DO ⬅️ ► I equip you to improve your authority and lead generation performance. With a 30+ year career in sales and digital marketing, having set up over 25 businesses, I educate individuals and teams to maximise their use of LinkedIn®, connecting people and a process to enable them to build trust, loyalty and advocacy, leading to business growth. HERE'S HOW I DO IT ⬅️ ► I take a high-level consultative approach to understand your business development challenges. ► I deliver training to show you how to leverage LinkedIn® to achieve your goals. This often includes Business Owners, Directors and Managers in Business Development, Marketing, Leadership Development, Consultants and HR. ► I deliver training that leads to a MEASURABLE 📈 success for YOU and YOUR team. ► I combine over thirty years of experience in setting up, running, managing, and occasionally selling businesses to help you be successful. ➡️ Successful relationships are generated by building trust, one step at a time. ⬅️ Let’s meet over Zoom for an initial discussion. Email me at nigel @ valueexchange.co.uk or pick up the phone: ☏ +44(0)7976 894 353 To learn more, visit: 👉 https://www.valueexchange.co.uk I have one simple aim - to help my clients achieve their goals. 🚀 My reputation relies on it! Please see my Recommendations for verification! ✅ I look forward to working with you. 🏆 Please note: My LinkedIn® consulting services are independent and not sponsored by the LinkedIn® Corporation. My tips and advice are based on my own experiences and client successes on the platform. #LinkedInTraining #LinkedInStrategy #LinkedInConsultant

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