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Olivier Labbé's Linkedin Analytics

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Olivier Labbé

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With over 20 years of experience in the B2B tech and marketplace sectors, I have successfully raised Series A and Series B funding, scaled revenue 25x at G2.com and 8x at metadata.io, and led and built high-performing revenue teams. My specialties include identifying product-market fit, building the ideal customer profile, category creation, monetization, scaling revenue teams, automation, and MarTech. I am also an active investor and advisor in several B2B SaaS startups, such as Scratchpad, TestBox, Airspeed, Junip.co, SecurityPal, Contentfly, Oats Overnight, Metadata, G2, and GTMFund. My mission is to empower B2B tech entrepreneurs and leaders with the best practices and insights to grow their businesses and achieve their vision and that's why I launched Inflection Capital Partners. At Inflection Capital Partners, we pride ourselves on providing exceptional support to founders navigating the challenging times between Minimum Viable Product to Go-To-Market Fit. Our seasoned experts are committed to equipping your internal leaders with the necessary skills and knowledge to implement best-in-class practices that can drive sustainable growth. We specialize in working with B2B SaaS companies, particularly those with a minimum revenue of $1M, seeking to establish and optimize efficient and repeatable processes to handle the demands of scaling their business.

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