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Steven Shills

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Society teaches us how to think not how to BE. So for most of us, we fall into the cycle of working our backsides off, sacrificing the things we’re never told to make priority, which is our mental and physical health. This mindset may have worked in the 60, 70s and 80s, but today, we have to start shifting away from that narrative. If you want to create a better standard of living, then you have to start making better lifestyle choices. It's time to build a solid morning routine, healthy boundaries towards vices such as mobile phones, and an awareness of how social media is stealing your focus and happiness. By implementing small habits you can change as a business owner, your staff's lives can change for the better and most of all life just gets more beautiful when you take full ownership to be better. → In 2018 my life simply fell apart, with no structure, no habits, and toxicity everywhere ← All I ever was told was to grind and work hard for anything I wanted. On top of that, all we did was live for vanity, nice clothing, car, holidays, and home, with no encouragement as to be happy in every area of life. My habits were eating takeaway food at least 7 times a week, a processed diet of home food, and binge drinking at the weekends. I never worked out let alone go for a run or walk, late nights were the norm, which resulted in hitting the snooze button every morning after going to bed late. Then arrived social media which just took me on a downward spiral of addiction to social scrolling not just first thing in the morning, but during the day and late at night, never being present with the ones I love. No wonder I sat in a hospital with a life-threatening message, The doctor said change steve or your life may change for the worse. At that point, I shifted my focus to be better, not just physically, but mentally. Whats the term extreme leadership was my motta for the last 6 years, dialled in simple habits that made big changes. Today: - I’m healthy - Fit - Focused - Present with family - Mentally aware - Disconnected from my phone - Not controlled by social media - Spiritually minded My goal is to bring a message to the world about living life not just existing. Curious… I work with corporations and organisations who want to improve the well-being of their employees. Email me at [email protected] or DM me here on LinkedIn and let's get to it!

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